Frequently Asked
“The symbol works as an automatic button that releases energy and channels it”
-Joseph Campbell
Why blend Tarot into Coaching?
Through our sessions you will benefit from my rich tarot/astrology training and experience, that comes along with a solid academic background in psychology and coaching.
The International Coaching Federation (ICF) defines coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. The process of coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity and leadership.”
Having experienced that process with numerous clients, blending tarot with coaching just made perfect sense for me.
So, a session together will always be a co-creation between us: as a reader, I “translate” what I get from the meanings and pictures of the tarot, and somewhere inside you, you will know where this resonates with you. My thought provoking questions and creative exercises will help you to deepen your awareness into your personal growth journey and we will strategize together the best “calls to action”.
👉 Little warning
Which means that it can only profit you best, if you have a desire to grow, to transform something in your life, accepting that this process is sometimes difficult and that it takes time.
In this sense, please kindly be aware that: I define myself as a coach, definitively not a therapist, nor a mentor or a counsellor. We will explore the options that emerge for you. I might offer different perspectives to broaden up your thinking, suggest and co-create some “how to do” or “how to act” sparkles. But the decisions and the responsibility to act are yours.
How does tarot work?
There is a mystery about that. We don’t really know how tarot works, but it does!
So, if through tarot, I can provide for my clients a safe and playful space to help them get clarity, new uplifting energies and inspiration, that’s all I need!
And that is also the magic of life. If we knew all about everything, where would be the excitement of discovery, of mystery and dreaming?
Maybe in a couple of decades will the tarot have become mainstream, with clear scientific evidence.
But for now, just assume that it is an ART, that can bring you some pixie dust, awaken your childhood dreams, release blockages and offer ways to live a more meaningful life.
Even the origins of tarot are unsure and there are different historical versions.
The one that I prefer, is that the tarot originates from Florence during the Renaissance. At that time, some philosophical teachers started to use images of cards to teach their students the ancient Greek philosophy and how they could apply this wisdom in their real life. With the time, they assembled a series of 22 cards, now known as the major arcana. Added to 56 already existing playing cards, they became the “tarot de Marseille”. It is only more than two centuries later, at the end of the 18th century that tarot became a favourite divination tool.
Over the 20th century its purpose moved again, from divination to a more psychological approach.
Carl Jung’s theories are often used to get some clues about how and why tarot may work and my “rational” part finds them interesting to know and to share with you.
According to Carl Jung, there is a collective consciousness, we all share as human beings. Archetypes, that you can find as early as in the Greek mythology particularly depicture the major universal challenges, that we face on our earthy journey. This comes from a similar perspective as the florentine teachers.
Even if Carl Jung himself did not address the tarot as such in his studies, the major arcana each represent one of those milestones: that’s why the 22 major arcana are often referred to as the fool’s journey. They can help us to reflect, accept and learn different perspectives to grow through our human journey.
Carl Jung also highlighted the concept of synchronicity: events that seem to happen by coincidences, but that put together have a specific meaning to us, tell us something, although we cannot rationally explain the cause to effect relation. Tarot works in the same way. My profound belief is that when a card is drawn for a client, then there is a specific message in that card, that I can vocalize. It may sometimes only make sense for the client, since he knows the context. But the only important thing here, is for the client to hear a specific message, in the right moment, when he needs it. And that is what tarot provides.
Is my Tarot & Coaching style for you?
There are different tarot readers, some are psychic, some “see” the future and read the cards with a divinatory intention, some read with angels and spirits, and some use the tarot as a powerful personal development tool.
“Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well” (R.L. Stevenson)
I love this quotation because it goes so well with what tarot can bring us. Sometimes, the tarot shows us a situation in a light we would have preferred not to see, but it will always give us advice on how to shift our perceptions and actions for the better.
And my role is to lead you though this journey by counting you the story the tarot wants to tell us, to help you relate to it and to make sense. My talent is to make it an enjoyable, playful experience for you and to share my caring and uplifting energy, so that you can continue your path feeling energized and fully aligned with your higher self.
My philosophy of tarot comes from a psychological and coaching perspective.
It has been proved over time that in a growth process we need our two brain parts, the rational left part and the right more creative and intuitive right part. And what better than tarot with its imagery and powerful archetypes can trigger more our imagination and intuition.
It brings us incredible awareness, through intuition, visualisation and storytelling. It helps us to work on a knowledge that we have deep inside of us, but that needs to come up to the surface. It gives us precious clarity to better evaluate a situation and act accordingly.
Tarot is not here to predict our future, but to help us create it. I believe, nothing is set in stone, which means that depending on our perception, our reaction to a situation, we may very well influence the outcome.
So, if you want to:
– become more aligned with who you are,
– be challenged on your perception of a situation, of the possible options you might not have thought about
– develop yourself in a creative, inspiring and playful way,
if you looking forward to taking action to shape and/or reshape your future,
if you believe that:
– that our mindset can have an influence on our future
– and that we can participate in the outcomes of many situations,
if you are excited:
to embark on this beautiful journey towards a a more happy and meaningful life,
…. you are at the right place with me.
- if you are looking for divination and psychic crystal-clear predictions about your future,
- if your belief is that the future is already set in stone, and that it will happen whatever you do,
- if you want to know if it will snow this coming June 14th at 2pm,
…then, I am sorry, I am not the right person for you.
Which tarot system and which deck?
Tarot is a commonly known 78 cards or arcana) system:
- 22 major arcana that represent archetype figures (something that we all experience as human beings in a collective consciousness, as Carl Jung would describe it): they are here to teach us a major life lessons.
- 4 suits, representing life energies (fire/wands, water/cups, air/swords, earth/pentacles), totalising 56 minor arcana. Each suit has 10 cards representing day-to-day events (from one to 10, where numerology helps to interpret them) and 4 court cards, that indicate a personality type (pages, knights, queens and kings).
There 3 major tarot systems applying this architecture:
– the tarot de Marseille is the oldest one (coming from Italy and France around the Renaissance): since the cards originated from a card playing game, only the majors were illustrated, the minors are known as pip cards, in which you will only see a specific number of wands, cups, swords or pentacles, but without any illustration. This makes them more abstract, some people only work with the majors, others also use the minors, but the interpretation is more technical and intuitive.
– the Rider Waite Smith tarot (RWS) is inspired by the tarot de Marseille and was used and develop by an occult Order, the Golden Dawn at the beginning of the XXth century. Here the minors have been illustrated with life scenes. This makes it a more easy and accessible system. It is currently the most widely used in the world.
– the Toth tarot is also Tarot de Marseille based and comes from the Golden Dawn Order, the system deviated however more from the original tarot de Marseille, with more occult symbolism integrated in the cards.
Personally, I love using the tarot de Marseille with 22 major arcana. When you know how to interpret them, I can guarantee you, that although there are only 22 cards, they provide a wealth of wisdom and information.
I also use the RWS system, in a more intuitive and creative way. Since all the cards have an illustration, there is a larger variety of art available in so many different decks around the world. As a tarot collector, I love discovering the energy and the different messages of each deck, even if the general system stays the same.
Don’t hesitate to ask, if you want to work with me using a specific deck. I will be happy to share my collection with you and to introduce you to many wonderful art pieces.
What are the different astrology aproaches?
As far as human conscience can look back, people have looked at the stars, they have dreamt, gazing in awe at the beauty of the celestial skies, hoping for some insights about the profound reasons of their existence, peaking at their destinies, looking for signs for a happier and more meaningful live.
Astrology is an ancient art, coming from the Babylonian civilisation, around the 2nd millennium BC, taking its roots and developing into different currents in Egypt, Greece, Rome, India, the Arabic world, China and western countries.
Astrology is a not a science, but a school of wisdom. From Plato, Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler to Carl Jung,….to name only a few eminent personalities from the western world, astrology has been taught and practiced over the centuries, it has fascinating sages, philosophers, famous and anonymous people.
What has changed over the centuries is the way we look at astrology. In ancient times, the archetypes of astrology were used to teach universal lessons, then astrology transformed progressively into a divinatory art. It was supposed to define the destiny of a person in a predictive, fixed way. Some techniques go very far, like horary astrology for example, that suggests events that will happen at very precise moments, sometimes even with hourly precision, when planets, houses and signs align in a particular way.
New ways of working with astrology emerged after the second of the XX century. The astrological archetypes would from there provide insights into the motivations, stress factors and possibilities of a person, adding a more psychological perspective, where free will started to emerge.
Currently there are still many different astrology approaches. I believe and work with evolutionary astrology, an art developed particularly by Steven Forrest and his followers at the end of the last century.
Evolutionary astrology has developed into a personal development tool; it is based on the belief that we can work and improve our lives with the energies that astrology helps us to uncover, and not just being directed by them. This implies a huge potential of personal growth.
Each of us comes certainly with different energies and challenges to live, depending on our birth chart. But we have a clear will power to accept the gifts that were given to us at our birth and to make the best out of them…or to ignore them. Some people know them instinctively; some are curious and eager to learn and go for guidance to better align to their own destiny.
How do I work with astrology?
Currently there are still many different astrology approaches. I believe in and work with evolutionary astrology, an art developed particularly by Steven Forrest and his followers at the end of the last century.
Evolutionary astrology has developed into a personal development tool; it is based on the belief that we can work and improve our lives with the energies that astrology helps us to uncover, and not just being directed by them. This implies a huge potential of personal growth.
Each of us comes certainly with different energies and challenges to live, depending on our birth chart. But we have a clear will power to accept the gifts that were given to us at our birth and to make the best out of them…or to ignore them. Some people know them instinctively; some are curious and eager to learn and go for guidance to better align to their own destiny.